Vashist Immigration

It’s all in the name itself, A Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) is an authorized immigration and citizenship representative hired to evaluate your Visa application and submit it on your behalf. Your RCIC is your personal assistant throughout the immigration process. RCIC will ensure that your application meets the requirements of the Canadian immigration authorities, thus increasing the chances of a favorable outcome 
Following are some reasons why you should hire RCIC:  
1. They know the Canadian visa system.
What’s good about an RCIC is his or her knowledge of the visa system.  It is the RCIC’s job to keep up to date with the latest policy changes and ongoing professional licensing requirements. They are trained to guide you along the complex pathways of Canada’s visa system. 
2 Licensed with a regulatory Agency:
 Gaining the RCIC license means that an agent has completed a rigorous process to enter the industry.  High standards in the industry ensure that you will work with a consultant who is professional, trustworthy, and will take care of your safety and security
3. All your paperwork is taken care of:
An RCIC will take care of your paperwork on your behalf.  Immigration requires proper paperwork, filing, form submissions, and documents, all of which must be correctly compiled and submitted within tight deadlines. All that takes a number of your hours and efforts, but working with RCIC will give you relief from this headache.
4. A personalized immigration strategy:
An RCIC will approach your immigration application using a personalized strategy. RCIC will help you to achieve your ideal outcomes by finding an effective way to get approved without getting stuck in the complex Canada’s visa system. They will guide you all throughout the journey, meeting both your expectations and your timeline requirements.   
5. Laborsaving and convenient:
 Fortunately, working with an RCIC means that you don’t have to make any lengthy phone calls in order to battle your way into Canada. RCIC ensure your application meets the requirements of the Canadian immigration authorities, thus increasing the chances of a favorable outcome         
From the above points, we can see how beneficial it would be to seek help and assistance from an immigration consultant rather than giving your application a risk!
If you are looking to immigrate to Canada, and need a certified immigration consultant, call us now