What Happens During Immigration Consultation

What happens during immigration consultation?

If you are planning to travel to Canada you must be having a lot of doubts on your mind regarding the immigration process. It is understandable if you would want to pick the right immigration option. To do so you need to consult a reliable immigration consultant who would guide you through the process seamlessly. Contact us at Vashist Immigration, our team of authorized consultants will help you clear all your doubts about Canadian immigration and assist you in every step of the process.

Things to expect during an immigration consultation

Bring necessary immigration documents

For your initial immigration consultation, you must carry the required and sign documents for the meeting like copies of any immigration decisions, notices, and receipts with you. Finally, if you have them, you should bring copies of all green cards, passports, marriage certificates, birth authorization cards. Certificates, and employment If there is an immigration court hearing coming up, and you have been notified of that hearing in writing, you should bring a copy of the hearing notice to show to the lawyer. That way, the attorney can confirm his or her availability to attend the hearing.

Documents of criminal records

You must carry with you and present criminal records if you have been arrested for a crime or if you have received a citation –you should bring a copy of the criminal citation or arrest record with you to the meeting. Also, if there is documentation that shows the disposition of the case (the case result), you should bring that with you too.

Listen during the Consultation

An Immigration consultant will usually hear you out when you first meet them. A consultant will essentially learn about your immigration problems, your challenges, and what your specific immigration goals are. By getting to know you and your needs, we are better able to help you with your immigration process. The initial session of consultation will determine where you want to immigrate if you need help with family immigration or you are having trouble with dealing with a denied visa issue. Every detail will be discussed in the session and only then will a decision be made about the best immigration path for you.

Creating an Immigration Plan

A consultant’s job is to lay out an immigration plan in front of you based on the location you want to travel to and your background. After identifying what visa you need, the consultant will inform you about what the requirements for the visa are, the duration, cost, and success rate. After giving you an estimate if you agree with the terms then the consultants will map out an immigration plan for you.

Ask Questions

You should remember one thing during your consultation. You must ask plenty of questions. The consultants are there to help you and your questions can range from any aspect like education of the place you are immigrating to, jobs available there, accommodation, about permanent residency status. etc. you can also about the various kinds of visa and what you will be expecting from your consultant. It is imperative to keep the lines of communication transparent and smooth. 

Take notes

When you go to an immigration attorney’s office for an initial consultation, you must take good notes. That way, you can evaluate whether a particular immigration attorney is the right one for you, and you can compare your notes with those from other attorney consultations.

Another important factor you should keep in mind while visiting your immigration consultant is wearing attire that is casual yet professional. It is essential to make a good first impression with your consultant. This will help them build confidence in you and will enable them to help you with any possible hurdle. Choose a comfortable yet business casual style just in case your meeting runs a bit longer than expected.

You will also require to be prepared to sign many documents. You will not only discuss your immigration case at the consultation meeting but there will be documents needing your signature once you’ve agreed to certain terms. This includes payment as well as documents that will be submitted to the courts. Some documents require witnesses or a notary. 


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