Study In Canada

While a lot of students are welcomed in Canada every year but only a few of them can launch their careers in White collar jobs. A lot of times students show their passion for Canada which is Important but at the same time choosing what is right for you is equally important.

From your career counseling to college admission, we take o

With the exceptional and world-class education system, Canada provides the quilting of education that you are looking for. With Diverse courses of studies and the opportunity to work as a post-graduate work permit holder, Students are always benefited from getting hands-on experience in Canadian culture. . Students often find their way to permanent residence.

At Vashist immigration we make sure to provide you proper guidance while considering the following:

  • Your career goals.
  • Your interest in study.
  • Visa Success Rate
  • Selection of college and course as per Academic background

It’s important to acknowledge to the visa office the following while applying for a study permit:

  • Proficiency of the course selected; Visa officer should be convinced that student will be able to pass the study in time.
  • Student’s intent to return to their home country is strongly encouraged.
  • Backup and financial support through GIC account savings also brings more light in student’s favor.
  • Having a clear criminal background is also important to show at the time of visa application.
  • Passing medical examination

Above all comes the proper filing of your visa documents. Even after having financial strength and good educational background few people still are not able to their visa approved because of filling issues. We are known for our exceptional service. With the motive of providing quality educational service, Vashist Immigration stands by you throughout your journey in Canada. From you course selection to proving you best immigration advice we like to help people as much as we can. If you aspire getting quality education from Canada, do visit and talk to our counsellor to receive first class VIP treatment.

Contact Us Today To Appy For Study Visa