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Well, relying on a 3rd party information and be hopeful that it applies to your particular circumstance can have an unfavorable impact.

Immigration consultants assess each application thoroughly, setup plans of action, work on strategies that both parties understand. So, hiring an immigration consultant is always advisable and eventually helpful.

Every case is different, so charges would vary case to case, not every case is the same. The fees take into account your immigration goal and the complexity of the case. But, our objective is to make the process simpler, prompt yet affordable.

A qualified yet professional immigration consultant and lawyer and their team are assigned to your case to help obtain obligatory information and documentation from you. We ensure a tailored personal touch with every case.

We have helped individuals from varied countries. Through our digital mode, we make things convenient for everyone. We utilize a variety of technologies and speak to individuals virtually and understand their case. Through email, we send detailed instructions of how to arrange and sign the required documents etc.

In simpler words, A Canadian work permit is the permission to take a job within Canada. You need to have a work permit if you wish to work in Canada. In some cases, you can work without a permit or job offer in Canada too.