Culture of Canada

Canada welcomes people from all across the globe and Canadian culture is a blend of varied cultures from all over exhibiting diverse cultural elements. It is a strong and solid community that portrays unity in diversity. Multicultural Canada’s objective is to make every individual in the country comfortable and gives the liberty to celebrate all religions and faiths represented in their communities. Several associations, Mosques, Gurudwaras, churches, and chapels across Canada, who encourage community outreach programs and host social events. 

 There is an array of unique and stimulating events and festivals to celebrate the country’s diverse culture and heritage. There are several riveting festivals and cultural attractions that take place throughout the year. If you are a newcomer there are several ways of finding out where the latest activities are taking place. You can browse through your local newspaper, do your research online and listen to the radio for the latest updates. Local community centers can also be a great source of information.


There are various events and festivals celebrated by different provinces every year. People from all corner gather and participate in the spectacular festivals that showcase amusement rides, carnival games, delicious food stalls, live entertainment, agricultural displays, sporting events, and much more. Different festivals attract thousands of local and international tourists  People also like participating in winter games like ice-skating and ice-hockey games, The most splendid sight is that of the ice sculptures.

Canada is the melting pot where distinctive flavors of ethnicity and culture amalgamate.  A plethora of cultures and influences make the cultural aspect of the country larger and is experienced by Canadians daily. It is fascinating to witness the country unite and celebrate Canada Day on July I, commemorating the formation of the country.