Can I Be Eligible To Apply For More Than One Immigration Program

Check out if you’re eligible for multiple Canadian immigration Programs

Are you keen on becoming a Canadian citizen? Do you have the zeal in you to settle in a country that will not only transform your life but will also make you grow as a person? With a plethora of opportunities and a beautiful landscape, Canada welcomes thousands of immigrants every year. There are several immigration programs you can apply for to enter Canada. The Canadian government allows applicants to submit multiple permanent residency applications at the same time. However, separate government processing fees must be paid for each application. If you want to know about your eligibility for multiple applications, contact us at Vashist Immigration, we will help you with the application programs and criteria’s

There has been significant attention that prospective immigrants have been generating after the reopening of the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) program. Fifty occupations are eligible for this particular program. and intake caps that are more generous than in years past, many applicants who were not able to apply under previous FSW cycles may now find themselves eligible this year.

This is an excellent way for an applicant to increase his or her chances of being accepted for review by the FSW program is to submit multiple applications. However, all applicants are not eligible to submit multiple applications, as each new submission must be under a separate occupation. But if you can those who then submitting multiple applications may increase your chances of having an application accepted before program caps are filled.

The FSW program requires applicants to have worked in an eligible occupation for at least one continuous year within the last ten years. If you are one of the people who have worked at a stretch then you can apply. There is an array of scenarios where an individual could be in a position to apply:

  • An applicant worked in one eligible NOC and then, after changing career paths, worked in a completely different NOC. Assuming other eligibility requirements are met, he or she may be able to submit applications under both separate NOCs.
  • An applicant worked in one eligible NOC (such as financial auditors and accountants) and was then promoted to a similar eligible NOC (such as financial managers or senior managers in financial services). All of these NOCs could be eligible for the FSW program.
  • An applicant worked in a position where his or her job duties overlap with another NOC. For instance, a computer programmer may also perform duties that are attributed to a software developer. If a substantial amount of duties, including all of the essential duties, can be met for both NOCs, it may be possible to apply under both.
  • Both the applicant and his or her spouse/common-law partner are eligible to apply under one or more NOCs.


The duration for intake caps will depend on the popularity of a given occupation. In the past, some occupations have met their caps in a matter of days or weeks, while others fill up more slowly.

Then there are more than one of the Express Entry Programs that you might be eligible for depending on the information in your profile. If this is the case then in that case, you will be invited to apply for one program based on:

  1. Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  2. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  3. Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)

If you met the criteria for all three programs, the system would send you an invitation to apply for the CEC. If you met the criteria for CEC and FSWP, you would also get an invitation to apply under the CEC. If you met the criteria for FSWP and FSTP, you would get an invitation to apply under FSWP.

The system will sort profiles based on the information you enter. You will be unable to choose the program you are invited to apply for. If you decline the invitation, the system will not re-invite you under the next program. You will go back to the pool, and if we invite you again, the same order will apply. It is extremely essential to meet the criteria’s and you can do so by following the instructions and guidelines thoroughly. Contact us at Vashist immigration for proper guidance.


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